Consecration of Doddamallur Aprameyar Temple | After a Hundred Years | Rare moment in life

Swaraat / Vanamamalai Padmanaban

Photo Courtesy / Thirumeyam Sundararaman

It is said that temples need to be consecrated once in about 12 years intervals. However, practically this is next to impossible due to various factors like Finance, Administration and others.

Sri Radhakrishnan Bhattacharyar Swami’s great, sincere, honest efforts has culminated into a wonderful consecration of Sri Rama Aprameyar, Thayar Sri Aravindavalli, Crawling Krishna (Sri Navaneetha Krishnan), Azhwar and Acharya Sannithis.

Sri Aprameyar Temple is located about 65 kms from Bengaluru in Dodda Malur, Channapatna Taluk of Ramanagari District on Bengaluru Mysuru Highway.

The Crawling Krishna attracts devotees who pray for a child and they return to pay their wishes being granted in the form of a cradle / thulabaram. The crawling Krishna or Ambegalu Krishna with butter in his hand is said to be the only one in such a posture.

Aprameyar or the Unfathomable is the presiding Deity of Lord Vishnu donning Sanka and Chakra. This dates back to Sri Ramas era and Sri Rama is said to have worshipped this Lord. Hence, the name Rama Aprameyan and also known as Chaturyuga murthy. Sri Aravindavalli Thayar is the presiding Goddess.

Sri Purandaradasar has sung the world famous song Jagadodharana dedicated to Lord Krishna.The temple in this form was built by Vijayapala King in 400 AD. It is said Consecration of a Temple is like conducting thousand marriages. It needs utmost devotion, Agama expertise, resources and tremendous efforts besides the Lords blessings.

The consecration took place on 6th March 2025 with preliminary rituals commencing from 2nd March 2025. Vedic recital, Divya prabhanda chanting, Sri Ramayana parayanam, besides Srimad Bhgavatha, Pancharatra Agama and Sthala Purana renditions.The chaste mellifluous Nadha Swaram and Saxaphone and Sangeetham transformed the atmosphere to a devout one.

Our heartfelt gratitude and congratulations to Sri Radhakrishnan Bhattacharyar Swami, his brothers Sri Aprameya Bhattacharyar swami, Sri Lakshminarasimha Bhattacharyar Swami and Sri Navaneetha Krishnan Bhattacharyar Swami for their sincere efforts. The Temple paricharakas, sthalathars and local devotees efforts need a special mention.

The Temple Officials and Officer’s meticulous planning and execution is extremely laudable.

Every devotee should endeavour to visit this shrine and get the blessings of Sri Aravindavalli Nayika Samedha Sri Rama Aprameya Swamy and Ambalegu Krishna.The conversation between sage Naradha and Rudra about this temple in Brahmnadapuranam corroborates that Sri Aprameya Swamy Tempe is pracheenam.

8 thoughts on “Consecration of Doddamallur Aprameyar Temple | After a Hundred Years | Rare moment in life

  1. What a rare occasion. Thanks for all the devotees who help to achieve this wonderful day.

  2. What a rear occasion. Thanks for all devotees who were responsible for this great day.

  3. Very nice to see the lord we will come and have the darshan we want his blessings always

  4. Very happy and proud to be a Mallurian at this period of time to see all the divine function🙏🏼
    Namaskaram and gratitude to all the Bhattacharyars and the temple management🙏🏼💐🕉️

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