Delimitation ..Is it a case of punishment for efficiency?

Swaraat / Pattukottai Balaraman

The ideal student teacher ratio is supposed to be one to 20/25. More students per teacher results in less focus per student.The same applies to number of police personnel Vis-a-vis population.The short point is those who are serving a batch, a class or category of population will be able to do justice, if the size of population they serve is reasonable.This holds good for our Parliament representatives also.

At present 39 Members of Parliament represent about 8 crore population of Tamilnadu.Earlier they were representing about six crores, or even lesser. Delimitation is redrawing boundaries of assembly and Parliament seats based on population figures. The number of seats have been frozen based on 1971 census. The delimitation exercise will increase number of parliament members across the country based on 2026 census.

Both in Tamilnadu and northern states the population has grown but seats frozen over a period of fifty years. Total parliamenet seats gradually increased from 494 in 1951 and then 522 in 1961 and present 543 as per 1971 census. However, the rate of growth is more in northern states as compared to southern states especially Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka.

While the decadal growth rate of southern states are around 15 or less in northern states it is around 20. In Bihar it is 25.1% ( as Per 2011 census.) In Madhya Pradesh 20.3 % Uttar Pradesh 20.10 % whereas in Tamilnadu it is 15.6 % Karnataka 15.7% and Kerala 4.9% Andhra 11.10 %. The demilitation exercise may thus increase the number of parliamentary seats by 25 percent in northern states but only by around 15 percent times in southern states. This may vary as per latest census.

The efficiency in controlling proliferation, the conservation of consumption of resources, the education and per capita besides are better achieved with lesser population. The Finance commission also gives weightage to population while defraying central revenues to states. The Southern States are at a disadvantage on several counts.

Their successful efforts in controlling the population is punished and not rewarded

A) Financial Matters

B) Central Government SchemesAnd now, In this

C) Delimitation Exercise

Relatively lesser proportional representation as compared to northern states. For example Tamilnadu’s parliament representatives may go up from present 39 to around 50 seats or even lesser. Home Minister Sri Amit Shah’s assurance that number of seats will not go down is a damp squib response.

More population more drawal of funds, subsidized ration and schemes in turn more fund allocation. Clearly a case of injustice to states with lesser population and lesser population growth. Whereas in UP it may steeply rise from 80 to 120/130 and Bihar it may catapult from 40 to 60 seats. The delimitation exercise is long overdue and enough representatives to cater the respective population is need of the hour. At the same time, the federal structure of the constitution should not be undermined giving a skewed advantage to states which have overgrown and against those who have maintained prudence.

It may give rise to a case of punishing the efficient and obedient child instead of rewarding . A paradox where carrots are offered to laggards and sticks lashed on performers.

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