Swaraat / Pattukottai Balaraman

The Indian Government’s decision, not to visit Pakistan for champions trophy cricket tournament is a well thought one. Apart from security point of view, the infiltration by Pakistani’s, time and again, into Indian territories, the sporadic terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir, the safe haven and training ground for terrorists is still holding good, whether you play cricket with them or not.
The Pulwama attack killing several of our security personnel, the attacks on innocent civilians has been a never ending horror story. You cannot mourn the death of our soldiers and citizens in one hand and play sports with them on the other. Our Leaders have offered amicable solutions many times just to be reciprocated with bomb blasts and stealthy attacks and ambushes.
Sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s bus diplomacy was returned by kargil attacks. Pakistan has been the most untrustworthy country to deal with. Rudimentary principle of contract act states that any contract ceases to exist once a country becomes hostile.
It is beyond comprehension that India will not play Pakistan in Pakistan but will play elsewhere. It is like I hate you but I will live with your daughter elsewhere. When the World boycotted South Africa for apartheid , nobody played against them even at a venue out of South Africa. The root cause of not playing against Pakistan is not because of the venue, but because of their dastardly attitude.
You cannot have a relationship soaked in blood camouflaged in the garb of cricketing ties. It is indeed sad for lakhs of lives lost in the name of jihadis , that we play sport with them. It is unfortunately another case of selective amnesia from the BJP Government.