Avoiding Coffee, No more a choice?

Swaraat / Pattukottai Balaraman

“Chai Pe Charcha, Coffee Pe Karcha”

A third reason has emerged to avoid coffee. Caffeine harmful being the first one and orthodoxy being the second one. Besides being warned as hazardous to health caffeine is now hazardous to wealth.

The retail price of coffee powder has steadily risen from Rs 700 per kg to about Rs 1000 per kg over a period of two years. Brazillian and Vietnam output of coffee has steadily declined due to climate and various other factors. Indian exports are not increasing due to dwindling carry forward stocks over the years.

Though Indian exports reaching $1.29 billion in FY 2023-24, almost double the $719.42 million in 2020/21, Domestic consumption has been rising from 84000 tonnes in 2012 to 91000 tonnes in 2023. The harvest was about 261200 of robusta and 113000 tonnes of arabica totalling to about 374000 tonnes.

About one third goes into domestic consumption and balance is exported.Due to forecasted heat conditions and other factors this year coffee output is expected to come down and consequentially exports are also likely to decline. The input costs and growers going to other crops, the prices of coffee has been steeply rising and assumed to stabilise only after a couple of years.

Indian coffee prices are affected by global prices which has been increasing over the years. It has risen from USD 1.28 to 3.75 per pound over The last five years. In India the prices have skyrocketed.It is said a typical south Indian starts his day with newspaper in left hand and coffee in his right hand.

The newspaper in the left has been waning and has almost vanished over the years thanks to 24/7 news channels and internet.The right hand is on the verge of losing invigorating coffee as consumers have to shell out more or look for alternatives in tea.

There was a time , it was said the newspapers can be given free of cost with a coffee with burgeoning advertisement revenues. Now neither is possible.Yes, Avoiding Coffee , No more a choice , apparently.

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